R S Prasanna

Spam that tries to be literature.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Can't a team be built on admiration?

Should the CEO always look at 'putting people in their place' and 'making them earn their money!'

Can't I just hire people because they are great in what they do?

And leave them to do what only they can do best?

Are there not humans any more who perform best under adulation and encouragement?

Are we all so shit scared that competence is something that can be extracted only at gun point? From inside jail-house-like rules? Competence as a result of insults and threat of punishment?

Was Pixar built that way? Was Apple built by crooked business men or visionary leaders? Google lives this way, doesn't it?

Work is actually a joy for certain people. They don't have to have guards breathing down their necks for them to perform well.

They have a far more worthy boss, a far stricter critic who they wish to satisfy.

They work to standards that they alone set for themselves.

And for the kind of people I am talking about, the barometer inside them is far more sensitive than any available externally.

And it is such people that built Pixars and Apples and Googles.

But for that to happen even the CEOs should be of such a caliber!

Well, hoping to be either one of the lucky souls in a company like that, some time, some day - either as an employee or as a proud (and rich) leader!

Like I told my friend the other day, hope on! Doesn't cost you money. Hope comes free. Theres lots of it here!

PS: Generation of money can actually be joyful and an end-product of a spiritual process of work! It need not be a guilty secret. "That guy is talented, but get him cheap. Ensure he doesn't know he is valued. Only then he will work well.' Balls!


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