R S Prasanna

Spam that tries to be literature.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Business NOT as usual

There used to be a time when business was based on one cardinal principle: provide great value in exchange for money.

Some where down the line the world seems to have lost track of that good old principle, and thus the recession.

Money is always created. Not in imaginary profit sheets or inflated housing estimates - in hard gold coin.

I don't know how big this recession is anyway. But that's beside the point. i suspect most companies are using recsession as a threat to simply cut down costs, sure in the knowledge that no emplyee will prtest. 'No jobs anywhere; better stick to my company and take the pay cut. Where else will you go?' I am pretty sure not many would actually think fo calling the bluff - and actually GO!

Look at TV to understand why the recession is happening. Like I said, it may not be as widely spread as yet - but surely we have got the principle wrong, so it is gonna happen sooner or later.

Look at TV. The other day i was watchign an extremely mind-numbingly dumb show on Hungama channel, meant for kids. There was NOTHING happening on screen. NOTHING. The episode went on and aon. and in between came the long ads.

Now, I wonder how many kids actually watch this programme. The TRPs may be high - but who the heck still thinks those TRPs are for real? I mean some 2000 sets taken as a sample size for a nationa TV chnnel's viewership? Come on, who are they kidding?

They are kidding the AD agencies and Media buyers that's what. The con job Phase One has begun.

The ad guys then siphon off money from their clients showing them the Truth - "The TRPSs sir, the TRPs are high for this show!'

The Gospel truth is paraded from one node of the food chain to the other. And money is pumped out like out of festering sewer. And it lamnds in the pockets of everyone, but brings no returns to the guy who actually puts in the money.

reason? the con job of the TRP.

The show sucks. Period.

How do you expect to make money out of a faulty product?

Is this the new age business philosophy? I don;t even want to call this a philosophy and attribute intelligence where none exists. It's just a wide-eyed, gleeful, salivating bunch of idiots who think, 'Come on let's make Money - to hell with how we will do it!!! Or How the hell we will make the money inflow sustain fro the long term"

For many years I have seen a visual barometer for what I think is the health of the business philosophy (or ill health)

It is a most common barometer, very humble, and some would even say quite silly for being bestowed such a huge honour.

It's the good old Ruffles Lays Chips. And the Balaji Chips (for the low income group), and the other Waferspackets that hang from any small, neaighbourhood shop.

Just see how the packets are gettign bigger, and the content smaller and smaller.

I actually counted 8 wafer pieces inside a packet that cost me 10 bucks!

This is what is causing the recession, you fools! Whoever you are!

No content. No value. Only a huge bloated, gas-filled con job.

Now go and look for jobs.

To hell with the world.


Blogger Praveen said...

haha good one brother! The business of TRPs I tell ya!!! con job am sure.


6:07 AM  
Blogger Narayan said...

Hi Prasanna
just read your comment in Lord Jeffrey Archer's blog- about you making a home video on CLEAN SWEEP IGNATIOUS.
would it be possible to see the same. would it be possible for you to send me a copy of the cd/dvd.
Narayan Radhakrishnan
lawyer, author and reviewer
advnarayan at yahoo dot com

7:10 AM  
Blogger Narayan said...

And incidentally Prasanna...
i might be the only person over here in India to have read all Jeffrey Archer works...by all i mean A-L-L....including EXCLSUIVE (the unpublished manuscript), WILLY VISITS THE SQUARE WORLD, BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT, WILLY AND THE KILLER KIPPER (all childrens books) ACCUSED, BEYOND REAOSNABLE DOUBT (plays) A BETTER DEAL FOR LONDON (non fiction). I also had the fortune of e-interviewing Mr. Archer for www.newmysteryreader dot com and www. rebeccasreads dot com
Narayan radhakrishan

7:12 AM  

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